Saturday, June 13, 2009

Writing For

I've been gone for a while, but in reality I've joined a few more writing websites and I've been busy working from home. The newest website that I have joined is

Unlike Associated Content, Helium and, they actually pay a pretty good ppv amount. Your earnings all come from visitors. The difference from some of the other content sites is that it is 1 penny for every visitor. That translates to $10 for every 1,000 visitors.

My first couple days on were great to say the least. Remember that every content site starts off slow and with pennies until you've built up your portfolio and found followers.

My first day on, I wrote just one article around 6pm. I checked two hours later and I already had over 168 visitors/$1.68. That was with no social media advertising.

The next day I posted another article. I had another $2.00 in a short amount of time. I had a couple hours to kill, so quickly posted it to Digg and left the room for an hour or so. Came back to see that I suddenly had over 600 visitors/$6.00. The majority of the traffic had to have come from Another great thing about the traffic on Examiner is that your recent articles are posted to the front page AND Examiner shows up in Google news. So if someone gets Google Alerts for those keywords, you have a built in audience already.

To sign up for Examiner, you simply click the "Write for us" link that is all over the website and Examiner pages. Select the site you would like to write for or suggest your own. While Examiner is mainly a local newspaper type website, you can choose to write a celebrity site, job, television show, etc. Just choose something you love and know how to write about easily.

After sign up, you will recieve a few emails to walk you through the process. You may or may not recieve a phone call interview. Send back the information they request and that includes permission for a background check. Before you click button, understand that they only check for felonies and sex offenders. They require this check because you have the opportunity to use the site as a great stepping stone for your professional writing career. Examiners are more like journalists than a content writer.

For instance, some writers recieve great perks such as getting tickets to theme park if you run one of the local vacation or theme park Examiners, so you can review the park and get interviews. Other perks have been given to other local Examiners as well. If you are working like a journalist, they should expect to hire people who will represent them well.

Some Examiners make a couple hundred to over $1000/month. Others make even more than that. The potential is there if you want to put in the work.

They do have a referral system as well, so if you do join, please consider using me as your referrer: 13807

You have to input the referral number when you sign up.

My Examiner Page