Most people were anticipating this. A way to make money from Twitter. A website called TwitPub now makes it easier than ever to recieve revenue from your premium tweets that you create. You have the ability to set the fee and automate your pub. TwitPub gives you 80% of everything you make from their website.
TwitPub sounds like a great idea and if they did not create the site, someone else would have. However, I have to wonder if the average blogger or Twitter users will really be able to make money with this program. Think about it. You already check your favorite tweets for free, so would you really pay $1, or $5 if that person suddenly starts charging a premium? I can see celebrities and others making money from this, because fans will want the ability to check what they are doing every second of the day.
I guess we'll have to see how it goes. If you want to try it youself sign up here: TwitPub
Great ideas here. I'd love to make money from twitter, this will help a lot. Thanks!