The best part is that many of the cash offers only need your zip code and you can move on to completing other offers, reading emails, etc. To get the most out of Treasure Trooper, don't go crazy and sign up to hundreds of places in one day.
This is because each submission is checked and one this could take a while plus you may need to go back and complete a free offer again.
Treasure Trooper is unique in that like I said its more than just paid to read an email. They also offer monthly treasure hunts in their forum and there are other tidbits such as collecting gems, pearls and pieces of treasure maps along the way. You can visit their little kiosk for more info.
One place you should definitely be a member of and check out frequently is the forum section of Treasure Trooper. I could tell you how great this site is and so could a million other people but until you see for yourself the proof that people are actually getting paid, most of us will be sceptical.
In the Treasure Trooper forum however, members happily and eagerly upload pictures of checks they recieved usually over $100 and let us know that the next check they will be getting is already bigger than than the current one they are holding. Treasure Trooper offers two types of payments and that includes checks and Paypal. Below are some of those proof checks now from different members. The Paypal screenshots are mine. There's a lot of good things about Treasure Trooper but the best will always be the fact that they do PAY!
You can signup here: Treasure Trooper
You can find individual paid survey sites individually but I would go with finding a database of paid sites because if you want to make a significant amount of money from paid surveys you need to sign up with as many survey sites as you can.
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