Sunday, December 23, 2007

Earn Money Answering Questions At Just Answer!

For Just Anser, ask yourself a few questions. Do you know how to put a computer together blind folded? Everyone calls you green thumb because plants love you and you love them? Can tell me why my car is dead just from a few lines I wrote to explain?

Then you might want to check out Just Answer. This is a site similar to Yahoos! Answer section, with the exception that you have the chance to get paid for your knowledge.

People sign up and upload money to their accounts. They ask questions and wait for the answers. If your answer is good and accepted, the customer adds the payment to your account.

Questions range from technical, such as ram problems on Windows Vista to questions about car parts and even legal and gardening.

Payments are decided by the person asking the question but you can find people offering $10, $30 or more to get the answer too a question that they just can't find anywhere else. There is also a section for experts of certain fields that only the top qualified and knowledgeable can get into.

Make Money at Just Answer.